Faculty Senate History & Mission
Faculty Senate was formally organized in 1966 at Kearney State College. The powers and responsibilities of Faculty Senate were formalized by the drafting and approval of the Faculty Senate Constitution in 1969. The present Faculty Senate Constitution was approved by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents in 2024, and its roots may be traced to the original Constitution of 1969.
Faculty Senate acts as the official voice of the faculty of the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Through parliamentary deliberation and action, Faculty Senate:
- strives to protect academic freedom
- addresses academic matters that affect more than one college
- advises and consults with the university community on matters of general concern
- reviews existing academic programs and all new departments and academic programs with University-wide impact, including majors and minors
- recommends candidates for honorary degrees and acts on other business specifically delegated to it by the Administration
- provides a means of appeal to the Board of Regents when normal administrative channels are exhausted